Ive got a couple of questions, Im sure u guys have been asked this a million times but dose anyone know the latest most up to date partnumber for the 15 psi lift pump, I had a cummins guy crossreference an older pn (3936320) and he came up with the 30 psi pump, i thought about using that with a pressure relief but im gona just try to get the right one instead....unless anyone thinks this is a better way to do it....
, also can any one who has put one of these on a 1st gen tell me how u cut the insulation off of the crank case breather tube thingy?
,and lastly when I was mocking up the 2ng gen 30 psi pump to my motor I noticed that the rod exctinding to the cam looked a little low in comparison to where the cam was located (the pad that contacts the cam was far below the center of the cam) and even with the spacer for the pump i dont trust putting this pump on and breaking something im sure Im just being paranoid but Id love a second opinion,
thanks in advance