Dana 70 1410 series yoke Spicer part number is 3-4-5711-1X.
U-joint Spicer part number 5-160X. Strap kit Spicer part number is 3-70-28X.
U-bolt kit for ujoint Spicer part number is 3-94-18X
Pinion seal Spicer part number is 42449. Side note on this seal, I went all around town looking for this seal, everyone had CR and other varieties of the seal. None were the quality of the seal I found from my local Spicer distributor. Plus they ranged from $16 and up versus the $6.73 for the Spicer seal. BTW the Spicer seal was a National seal. Also a D70 pinion outer race was the perfect size seal driver tool.